Thursday, 27 March 2008
Pictures from Hampton Court Palace
Full photos will one day be availible via Picasa web folders.. just need to the the old "A into G"
Lyn Enjoying the Weather
Flower Pots in the Garden (Depth of Field)
The Fountain Courtyard
A Dragon
Outside view of Queens Apartments
Easter Packing
It has been a usefull, if a tad uneventful easter longweekend - Packed our lives into 10 Boxes!
Not a lot for 10 years in the UK - but not having to purchase furniture has helped alot - I guess we'd have more, if we hadn't flogged most of our DVD collection on E-bay, given my books to Charity, and our spare kitchen goods and linen to a few friends!
It wasn't all packing and cleaning on the weekend - We did venture out over the easter weekend, despite the "snow" - we went to Hampton Court Palace, the homeof Henry VIII, plus a few other Kings and Queens. Lyn hadnt' been before, and I'd been about 10 years ago.
It was quite an interesting experience for me, comparing my memories of HCP 10years ago, and this later visit. HCP was the first palace I visited in Europe, I was awed by the Paintings, Tapestries, Granduer, History, and Gardens. 10 Years later, after visiting numerous castles, palaces and catherdrals, not to mention Art Galleries and Museums, the whole HCP seemed rather "ho-hum" - Methinks I mightbe leaving the UK at about the right time.
So far the move down under has been a boring exercise in paper work, packing, cleaning, and spending money - hopefully now that most of that is done, lets hope the fun begins, and with the Irish -Paul and Lyns coming down for the weekend, I suspect things will get interesting.
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Still in London
With 1 month to go in the UK, things are still going well, and everything is on track - even with Lyn having been "out of action"with a nasty cold for the past week.
The UK £ has tanked to the Aus $, so our House Deposit has gone down since chirstmas! It is still a decent amount ofmoney, and always a chance the currency will swing the other waybefore we go to purchase the old "bricks and mortar"
Most of our stuff is packed in boxes, waiting to be shipped in a fewweeks - just the important things left out, like the DVD player,George Foreman Grill, and the Cheese board! I've now got the joy oftrying to fill in the small mountain of paperwork required to open abank account in Australia... the newspaper make it seem so easy for terrorists to set up bank accounts and move money abroad, but I telly a they sure make it difficult for us law abiding citizens!
Been looking at New York, seems to be as expensive as London.. and London is expensive! Still, I'm really warming to the idea of a weekin New York, wasn't too keen at first - probably my natural Canadian Bias against all things American... but more I read, and the more I see the more exicting it seems (and coming from London, the size and pace shouldn't be too off putting!)
Not much more I can tell you about the move to Oz, still planning onsettling melbourne - a good sized city (4 Million) and a very strongeconomy, with near "full employment", so Jobs and career shouldn't betoo much of a hassle - which is my only real worry about leaving London
And only 2.5 more weeks of work, not going to get the improvements project I wanted finished done in time, about 75% there, but the in the endthe software supplier really let us down.
Monday, 10 March 2008
One month to Go!
With only 1 Month left in the UK - what is left to Do?
Well, other than a trip to Hampton Court Palace, I'm not sure. We will no doubt see the sights of London one or two more times? Which shouldn't be too hard with the visitors we are expecting over the next 31days.
Admittedly there will be a few things I'll be glad to be over and done with - and this weekend we had out last trip to my current pet Peeve - UK Supermarkets
Which IMHO are terrible - dirty, crowded, 1/2 empty shelves, with rude customers, and even rudder staff!
I guess with only a limited time left, London is started to lose its shine - just like it did last time I left for Scotland. The things you'll just accept because it is London, you find you'll no longer just accept, as your leaving.
Still, lots of things to sort out. Our flat is 1/2 packed, and we've not even begun to clean the flat yet. Need to get our hotels for NYC and Washington DC booked, and rent a car for 3 weeks back on the Island. And of course, I need to sort out my Australian Bank Account - I have it from good authority (the Internet) that I can set my account up here in London, with minimal fuss, however the pessimist in me doesn't look forward to that adventure in Paperwork