Monday, 10 March 2008

One month to Go!

With only 1 Month left in the UK - what is left to Do?

Well, other than a trip to Hampton Court Palace, I'm not sure. We will no doubt see the sights of London one or two more times? Which shouldn't be too hard with the visitors we are expecting over the next 31days.

Admittedly there will be a few things I'll be glad to be over and done with - and this weekend we had out last trip to my current pet Peeve - UK Supermarkets

Which IMHO are terrible - dirty, crowded, 1/2 empty shelves, with rude customers, and even rudder staff!

I guess with only a limited time left, London is started to lose its shine - just like it did last time I left for Scotland. The things you'll just accept because it is London, you find you'll no longer just accept, as your leaving.

Still, lots of things to sort out. Our flat is 1/2 packed, and we've not even begun to clean the flat yet. Need to get our hotels for NYC and Washington DC booked, and rent a car for 3 weeks back on the Island. And of course, I need to sort out my Australian Bank Account - I have it from good authority (the Internet) that I can set my account up here in London, with minimal fuss, however the pessimist in me doesn't look forward to that adventure in Paperwork


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