Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Off the Grid

Hi there!

A short return to the modern world after my recent 'off grid adventures'.

Have been travelling all over the countryside Leyland Brothers style.

The whole cheap airfares thing must be one of the best things that has happened in the time I've been away...sadly heating your house hasn't been revolutisined and we have spent many a cold night even the Canadian has been suffering and lets face it that's saying something ......new career perhaps .........always wanted to be a double glazing sales man.

Enjoyed Cairns the best bit seeing my younger brother completely wrapped around teh tiny finger of his beautiful new daughter ...go girl.

Adelaide has been great and will certainly provide that change of lifestyle i've been harping on about for the last 3 years or so ..........so its back to Sydney and the serious stuff of life ...how dull.

- Lyn

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