Sunday, 5 October 2008

Aussie Icon - Coopers

Okay, okay..... more of a South Australia Icon - as Cooper's beers are widely available on tap in South Australia, and in some bars in the rest of Australia as specialty beers. It is widely available bottled around Australia and occasionally at specialist importers in other countries.

Coopers is known to make a variety of beers most famous of which is its Sparkling Ale. It is also well established as a producer of home brew supplies and as such is one of the worlds largest producers of home brew ingredients.

While, the Sparkling Ale is good.... I do prefer the Pale Ale (pictured above taken on the Beach just 15mins from our house)

Coopers' bottled beers are characterised by their secondary fermentation technique - some yeast remains in the bottle after bottling - thus the bottled beer contains some sediment. There are two schools of thought with regards to the sediment - some drinkers like to mix the sediment throughout the beer by tipping or rolling the beer before drinking, while others prefer to decant the beer into a glass leaving (most of) the sediment at the base of the bottle. I'm of the first wave of thought - adds just that little extra flavour.

But no matter how I drink it - and it doesn't matter if it is Pale Ale or Sparking Ale - Coopers and I are now good friends!

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